In 2017, Haberfield Public School implemented a maths buddies program designed to boost the number skills of Year 2 and 3 students. The program involves Years 5 students working one-on-one with a Year 2 student, guiding them through a series of hands-on maths games.
This year, almost 70% of our senior maths mentors were girls. These students supported the Years 2 and 3 as they developed their skills in key mathematical concepts including:
- friends of 10
- doubling
- empty number lines
- counting on and backwards
- addition
- subtraction
- arrays.
As a result of the hard working Year 5 mentors, the Year 2 and 3 students overwhelming felt:
- their number skills were improving
- they had more confidence with maths
- they enjoyed maths more
- they had made strong friendships with their mentors.