Chinese languages

Whilst studying Chinese languages, students develop:
- knowledge, understandings, skills, attitudes and values that enhance their sense of personal, community, national and global identity;
- positive values and attitudes about language;
- recognition of the cultural identity of speakers of a language other than English;
- skills in communicating in a language other than English;
- understandings and knowledge of language as a system.
The Chinese Club meets at lunchtimes and is offered to interested children. Activities include the study of culture, art, crafts, writing and cooking.
Language Clubs can be an exciting way for your child to learn about language along with cultural identities.
Chinese Eisteddfod
Haberfield Public School participates in the annual Chinese Eisteddfod at Strathfield Girls High School and Burwood Girls High School. In this event students compete in poetry recital competitions and a range of prizes are offered.
Children participate in this exciting event, organised by the Chinese Language Education Council, over two weekends and often appear in local media.
Mrs Phyllis Sit | Chinese Language Coordinator